Spud returned to the Rocky Mountains of Alberta in the winter of 2000 to spend a day on the slopes of the Lake Louise ski resort. It had been 7 years since the tuber had last strapped on his skis. Ever since moving to Ontario in 1994, Spud couldn't bring himself to pay the exorbitant lift ticket prices at the local resorts. Besides, in Ontario, the biggest hills are often dwarfed by the speed bumps in the parking lot.
Unfortunately, the 7 year hiatus from skiing was evident in his form (or lack thereof) and he soon found himself hurtling completely out of control. Reaching speeds of almost 120 km/h and mashing 6 hapless people in his path, the tater came to an abrupt halt after getting launched face first into a snow drift. Medics rushed over to Spud and extracted him from the snow. After assessing the tater's injuries, one of the medic's remarked 'It's a good thing your arm's rubber, cause you probably would have broken it." Spud thought about the man's words and a large smirk came across his face.