Spud has always commanded a large following of loyal subjects the world over, but nowhere is that devotion greater than in the prairie region around Carberry, Manitoba. In fact, they have proclaimed the land 'King Spud Country', and hold a festival each year to honor the touring tater. The potato made a point of traveling to Carberry to oversee the event and address his legion of fans. The mayor of the hamlet was there to greet Spud and present him with the key to the city. Turns out that this would be an important gift as the farming town locks up tight around 4PM each day. The tater would learn that the key must have been cut incorrectly as he wasn't able to go anywhere or do anything at the end of the Carberry work day. Instead, the tuber hit the road to see if he could find any action in the province.
Everyone in the town seemed to be pumped with adrenaline - rushing to and fro with a seemingly endless supply of energy. Jittery waitresses bounced about from table to table like a steely ball in a pinball machine, Seniors feverishly stamped bingo cards in a crazed frenzy, Farmers drag raced their tractors down main street..it all seemed to be bordering on mania! Fearing that he had stumbled into a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone, Spud was preparing to leave, when he realized why there was such a furore of delirium: the town's water tower was filled with Coca-Cola CLICK HERE for more adventures in Manitoba |