enlists to fight terrorism
the rest of the free world, Spud was shocked to hear of the devastating
attacks that occured on September 11, 2001. The tater felt helpless as
he stood watching the coverage on CNN of Ground
Zero in New
For weeks after the
event, the tuber made it his mission to look for ways to help out with
the relief effort. Unfortunately, his good intentions were unsuccessful.
The Red Cross turned him away as he was incapable of giving blood, and
even though he signed his donor card and offered replacement appendages,
his prosthetics were too small for the recipients.
at his failing contributions, Spud had a revelation. He would enlist and
join in the fight in the War against Terrorism. What better way to contribute
then to rid earth of Osama bin Laden and the Taliban on behalf of the
free world. Wasting no more time, the potato hastily made his way to the
local recruiting office to sign up.
The side dish filled
out a pile of paperwork and was subjected to a battery of psychological
tests. A few hours later the tuber received his acceptance into the Canadian
military. The Army recruiter welcomed Spud with his first orders: Report
to the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario
for basic training.
after arriving, the recruits were herded to the base's barbers where their
heads were shaved into brush-cuts. Spud was singled out of the group though,
and told to report to the mess hall. At the cantina he was met by a Captain
who ordered Spud to have his tattoo
removed. Somewhat distraught to be losing his little devil, Spud knew
his country's wishes were more important than his own, and he succumbed.
A few swipes from the cook's peeler and the tattoo was nothing more than
strips of potato skin in the mess hall sink.
Here for Spud's battle against bin Laden