From his lofty perch, the tuber was able to capture an unparalleled view of the Manhattan cityscape; a view that would not only be immortalized on his film, but forever be imprinted into his memory. The events of September 11, 2001 not only changed the Manhattan skyline, it also changed life in free, democratic nations forever. Not one to sit back and let hatred infiltrate and poison our way of life, Spud set out to do his part to fight in the war against terrorism. The tater would be remiss though, not to visit New York once again to view Ground Zero and pay his respects to the thousands who lost their lives that fateful day.
Since September 2001, tens of thousands of men & women have worked tirelessly at the epicenter, trying to clear the mountain of twisted metal and begin rebuilding the infrastructure of the Trade Center's neighbours; the unfortunate witnesses to the devastation. Some are cloaked in black shrouds as if to mourn the fallen heroes. Spud donned his hard hat and offered his help, but officials were afraid he might get mashed. Next to the viewing platform lay St. Paul's chapel. Miraculously, this Georgian Classic-revival church built in 1766 managed to avoid getting damaged as the towers collapsed across the street. Today, the fence that surrounds the chapel has been turned into a makeshift memorial - a wall of condolences offered from all over the globe. Spud paused to read some of the many heartfelt notes and offerings. The intent of bin Laden may have been to tear the fabric of the free world apart, but instead it has only woven that fabric tighter than ever.
The Russian / Turkish Bathhouse