The tater learned that his fellow brethren were being kidnapped and tortured at the hands of crazed scientists who claimed they were testing an insecticide. The unknowing tubers were showered with a foul smelling liquid and then locked in a glass tank with giant potato beetles - where they were usually attacked and dismembered. Enraged and horrified that the US government would allow such heinous crimes to take place, Spud organized a group to travel to the White House in Washington, D.C. to make these atrocities known to the President of the United States.
The response came loud and clear shortly thereafter as the United States Park Police swarmed in on the fuming horde. While most of the crowd scattered, the potatoes (being without legs) were unable to flee, and were handcuffed & incarcerated for inciting a riot. Spud was able to seek asylum at the Canadian embassy and escaped prosecution. Unfortunately, his brethren were not so lucky. Each had their eyes cut out, their skin peeled from their body and were boiled alive at 450 degrees fahrenheit. Those Americans sure take their capital punishment seriously!
TOP Other adventures in Washington DC