Rustlin' Russet

Spud made his annual pilgrimage back to
Arizona in January of 2001. While sitting
in a saloon with some locals in Old Tucson, the tuber overheard some
wranglers talking of the problems they were having on their ranch.
It seems that their cattle were behaving
erratically and would stampede away from the ranch hands whenever they
came near. Intrigued by this strange behaviour, Spud secretly went out
to the area to see for himself.
True enough, when Spud arrived at the huge
acreage, the large herd of cattle were pacing back and forth in a frenzied
state. The tater approached the group and asked a few of the herefords
what was wrong. They told Spud that they had found out about the cull
that was happening in the UK and they feared that the same would be
happening to them. They went on to tell the tuber that one of the steers
(whom they called Crazy Cody) liked to snort water up his nose. They
figured that if the cowboys saw him doing this crazy stunt, they would
think all of them were mad.
Seeing the logic in what the herd was saying,
Spud convinced the cattle to form a union to demand their rights. Within
hours the tuber had the herefords organized into a massive protest and
picketing the ranchhouse.

Unable to leave the grounds for fear of
trampling, the wranglers found themselves forced to sit down at the
bargaining table with the tuber and the stock to hammer out an agreement
in job security. After a few hours of hard bargaining a deal was struck
and the cattle were assured the cull would not effect them. They also
managed to work in a clause to allow them satellite television and a
yearly subscription to Cowsmopolitan.
The next day Spud headed back into Old
Tucson to get some breakfast when he noticed a sign posted on the wall
outside of the post office. He was shocked to find it was a WANTED sign
for him organizing the cattle into the protest the day before.
A $1000 reward had been levied on his head to anyone who could capture
the potato.
Soon there were bullets flying in every
direction! Spud jumped to safety behind some sagebrush, then scurried
off into the shadows and toward the far end of town...his pursuers close
At the edge of town, Spud passed by the
Undertaker's and noticed the new line of 2001 model coffins on the showroom
porch. The tuber shrieked when he noticed a small potato sack next to
one of the pine boxes.

Suddenly another shot rang out, almost
scalloping the potato. Moments later, the posse had surrounded him and
it looked like there was no way out.
The little carbohydrate wasn't about to
be turned into hash browns just yet! The tuber lurched at the group's
leader and proceeded to pummel him with bacon bits. He reached into
the back of his head for some butter pats and forced them into the bounty
hunter's ears. In a split second, chopped onions were rubbed into his
eyes and soon the man was screaming for mercy. The rest of the posse
looked on in terror as the potato asked who was next. Riddled with fear,
the gunslingers turn and fled.
This battle won, Spud couldn't help but
think that there would only be more as long as there was a price on
his head. His only escape was to leave town.