gets his mojo working with a Georgia Peach

made a special trip to Atlanta, Georgia
to see Media Mogul Ted Turner so he could give him a slap upside the
head for broadcasting reruns of "CHiPs" on TNT. The potato
thought it was cruel and inhuman punishment to subject the American
public to Erik Estrada 5 days a week.
the tater didn't get his opportunity and was unceremoniously escorted
out of Turner's headquarters by the broadcasting kingpin's legion of
no-neck body guards.
having a bit of free time, Spud went down to the city's centennial olympic
park to see the giant display of dancing water fountains. It was there
that the 'tato spotted a lucious little number that looked ripe for
the picking.

one to miss an opportunity to mingle with the ladies, Spud rolled over
and introduced himself to the sweet Georgia peach.
pouting, juicy lips enticed the potato's mind to race with evil thoughts.
The soft fuzz of
her skin reminded Spud of the crushed velvet on his waterbed frame.
The two soon became entranced with one another: their passion growing
at a feverish pace...
As the two talked,
Spud learned that the peaches in the American South are pretty liberal
in their thinking. In fact, they think nothing of experimenting behind
closed doors.
His mojo now shifting
into overdrive, Spud seized the moment and asked if the peach would
be interested in a little tryst with some whipped cream. A droplet of
juice escaped the side of the peach's lips as she responded 'yes'.
The two scuttled
off to the tater's burlap bag and proceeded to get down to business.
In the end, the appetizer was infinitely more rewarding than the dessert.
Spud would realize that peaches may sure look sweet, but when you get
them in the sack, they're the PITS!!!