Texas - Part II The highlight of Spud's March 1999 trip to the Lone Star State was to the tiny hamlet of Seguin - whose claim to fame was that it was home to the world's largest pecan. Friends thought he was nuts to travel so far to see this arachide anomaly. True, the flight wasn't cheap; fortunately he didn't have to shell out for admission to see it! As strong of a tourist magnet as it was, Seguin was not the only reason Spud ventured back to the great state. March 6th marked the anniversary of the day the Alamo fell in San Antonio. It was 1836 when the Mexicans attacked the mission and took control despite the bravery of the likes of Davy Crockett and John Bowie. Upon arriving at the Alamo, Spud was shocked to find it in the throes of battle! It would appear that some history professors
from the University of Texas had
been out drinking Southern Comfort all night and thought that they were
back in the 1800's fighting their neighbours to the South. There was mayhem
and havoc everywhere! Mexican tourists were being run out of town at gunpoint,
hostages were being taken...Spud had to take control of this carnage!
Spud stood toe to toe with the drunken hoodlums and cut them down one by one, regaining the fallen mission once again for Mexico. News of the siege and battle quickly traveled back to Latin America where Spud's heroics were praised by natives. It has been petitioned to the Mexican government to have March 6th declared 'Senor Spud: Reyos de Patatas' day.
More adventures of Spud in TEXAS